European Facial Brooklyn, New York
A gentle cleansing solution is applied to the skin to get rid of surface impurities, so we have a fresh place to start.
Before we go any further, we make sure that the treatment is tailored to your skin’s unique needs. A trained aesthetician will use a lighted magnifying lamp to examine your skin. If you have dry areas, particularly sensitive zones or anything else you’d like us to focus on during your treatment, we can discuss next steps to minimize discomfort.
During this treatment, a gentle exfoliant is applied to remove old makeup, dead skin cells on the surface, and the oils that plug sebaceous pores—this is what causes breakouts, flare-ups, blackheads, and whiteheads. After exfoliation, your skin is gently steamed to open up your skin for the next step. Finally, we place warm towels over your face to enhance the steaming process in preparation for the next step.
During this stage, we gently remove blackheads and whiteheads to further purify your skin.
A gentle, soothing mask is applied to your skin after extraction. The mask the aesthetician uses will be unique to your personal skin care goals.
Your aesthetician applies SPF to your freshly cleansed face after your treatment. Your skin is fresh and clean but may be slightly sensitive immediately after the European Facial.
Price list
Single Session $70-100

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